Request an email address. Your
This is an ideal option if you work on more than one radio station, and do not have email address, or you do prerecorded shows that go out from more than one station. You can give out your email address as
Email addresses are £5.95 per annum.
You will have a 14 day free trial, and then payment should be made by a PayPal link that will be sent you.
Please pay within 48 hours, otherwise your account and any emails may be deleted.
Maximum size attachment to your callsign email address is 70Mb, and the email receiver must also be able to receive emails with this size of attachment.
Emails can be normal IMAP, or can be set to just forward emails to your normal email address.
The forwarding option is if you just want to hide your true email address. With this set-up, replies will be sent from your existing email address.
As this site is still being set-up, please contact via the normal contact form at the bottom if you have not received a response within 48 hours.